The theme of Ireland’s VNR ‘Building Back Better while Leaving No One Behind’ acknowledges the differing needs, experiences and perspectives of all demographics of society. In recognition of this, Ireland’s second Voluntary National Review features one of the first stand-alone ‘Youth Chapters’ in a VNR from any member state.


This event will provide practical advice for all interested Member States on facilitating a youth chapter in their upcoming VNRs. The UN Youth Delegates from Ireland and Iceland will share their experience in writing a VNR Youth chapter from their priorities to the methodologies adopted and lessons learnt in the process.A panel of international youth inclusion experts will also provide insights into the best practices in meaningfully and inclusively including the voice of young people in multilateral processes.

This event will mark a significant advancement in the empowerment of young people to participate in SDG accountability processes. Ireland wishes to share the insight gained from facilitating the creation of one of the first VNR youth chapters with the international community in the hope that other Member States will do so in the coming years.


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